Source code for whynot.simulators.opioid.simulator

"""Implementation of Chen et al. systems dynamic model for opioid abuse.

The model implementation and parameterization is taken from:
    Chen Q, Larochelle MR, Weaver DT, et al. Prevention of Prescription Opioid
    Misuse and Projected Overdose Deaths in the United States. JAMA Network
    Open. 2019;2(2):e187621. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.7621
import copy
import dataclasses

from scipy.integrate import odeint

import whynot as wn
import whynot.traceable_numpy as np
from whynot.dynamics import BaseConfig, BaseIntervention, BaseState

[docs]class TimeVaryingParam: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Encapsulate a time-varying parameter obtained from a joinpoint model."""
[docs] def __init__( self, baseline, alpha_1, joinpoint=None, alpha_2=None, intervention_year=None, intervention_val=0.0, start_year=2002, stabilize_year=None, ): """Specify a joinpoint model for a time-varying parameter. Parameters ---------- baseline: float Baseline value at initial time point alpha_1: float Annual percentage change (APC) before joinpoint joinpoint: float (Optional) time indicating signifcant change in APC alpha_2: float (Optional) Annual percentage change (APC) after joinpoint intervention_year: float (Optional) Year to intervene on the APC intervention_val: float (Optional) New value for the APC after intevention. Default 0 is no change. start_year: float (Optional) initial time point stabilize_year: float (Optional) Year (after 2015) to set APC decrease to 0. """ if joinpoint is None and alpha_2 is not None: raise ValueError("Must specify joinpoint to use alpha_2") if stabilize_year is not None and stabilize_year <= 2015: raise ValueError("stabilize_year must be after 2015") if intervention_year is not None: if stabilize_year is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot use stabilization and intervention simultaneously" ) if joinpoint is not None and intervention_year < joinpoint: raise ValueError("Cannot intervene before joinpoint") self.baseline = baseline self.start_year = start_year self.alpha_1 = alpha_1 self.joinpoint = joinpoint self.alpha_2 = alpha_2 self.stabilize_year = stabilize_year self.intervention_year = intervention_year self.intervention_val = intervention_val
def get_boxable(self): """Return the underlying parameter that can be boxed for dependency tracing.""" return self.baseline def set_boxable(self, box): """Set the underlying parameter as a box for dependency tracing.""" self.baseline = box def _unstabilized_value(self, time): """Return value of parameter without taking stabilization into account.""" # pylint:disable-msg=no-member running_value = self.baseline if self.joinpoint is None or time <= self.joinpoint: return running_value * np.power(1.0 + self.alpha_1, time - self.start_year) running_value *= np.power(1.0 + self.alpha_1, self.joinpoint - self.start_year) if self.intervention_year is None or time <= self.intervention_year: return running_value * np.power(1.0 + self.alpha_2, time - self.joinpoint) running_value *= np.power( 1.0 + self.alpha_2, self.intervention_year - self.joinpoint ) return running_value * np.power( 1.0 + self.intervention_val, time - self.intervention_year ) def _current_rate(self, time): """Return current APC.""" if self.joinpoint is None or time <= self.joinpoint: return self.alpha_1 if self.intervention_year is None or time <= self.intervention_year: return self.alpha_2 return self.intervention_val def __getitem__(self, time): """Retrieve the parameter value at time t.""" if self.stabilize_year is None or time < 2015: return self._unstabilized_value(time) running_val = self._unstabilized_value(2015) rate = self._current_rate(time) # Decrease at a constant rate until stabilize year decay_per_year = rate / (self.stabilize_year - 2015) for year in range(2016, self.stabilize_year + 1): rate -= decay_per_year if time <= year: break running_val *= 1.0 + rate # Handle fractional values if time <= self.stabilize_year: # pylint:disable-msg=no-member remainder = time - np.floor(time) running_val *= (1.0 + rate) ** remainder return running_val
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class Config(BaseConfig): # pylint: disable-msg=too-few-public-methods """Parameterization of the dynamics for opioid epidemic simulator. By default, the confiruation uses the mean parameter values specified in eTable 4 and the pessimistic-case scenario (overdose mortality and incidence for illicit use stabilizes in 2025) and considers the scenario with no improvement in incidence after 2015. Examples -------- >>> # Standard run of the dynamics with slightly rate of overdose >>> # deaths from nonmedial opioids. >>> opioid.Config(start_time=2002, end_time=2030, nonmedical_overdose=0.002) """ # Dynamics parameters #: Annual incidence of nonmedical prescription opioid use. nonmedical_incidence: TimeVaryingParam = TimeVaryingParam( baseline=2496835, alpha_1=0.0016, joinpoint=2008, alpha_2=-0.0747 ) #: Annual incidence of illicit opioid use from sources other than prescription opioids. illicit_incidence: TimeVaryingParam = TimeVaryingParam( baseline=13489, alpha_1=0.235, stabilize_year=2025 ) #: Annual transition rate of non-medical opioid use to opioid use disorder. nonmedical_to_oud: float = 0.06 #: Annual transition rate of users with opioid user disorder to illicit opioid users. oud_to_illicit: TimeVaryingParam = TimeVaryingParam(baseline=0.071, alpha_1=0.042) #: Annual transition rate of nonmedial to illicit opioid users nonmedical_to_illicit: float = 0.002 #: Overdose mortality rate for nonmedial prescription opioid use. nonmedical_overdose: float = 0.001 # Decrease baseline slightly from paper to match the reported # calibration targets. #: Overdose mortality rate for opioid use disorder. oud_overdose: TimeVaryingParam = TimeVaryingParam( baseline=0.003, alpha_1=0.224, joinpoint=2007, alpha_2=0.03 ) #: Overdose mortality rate for illicit opioid use. illicit_overdose: TimeVaryingParam = TimeVaryingParam( baseline=0.005, alpha_1=0.011, joinpoint=2011, alpha_2=0.356, stabilize_year=2025, ) #: "Exit rate" from nonmedical users group. (Either stop using or die from non-opioid causes). nonmedical_exit: float = 0.177 #: "Exit rate" from opioid user disorder group. oud_exit: TimeVaryingParam = TimeVaryingParam(baseline=0.311, alpha_1=-0.021) #: "Exit rate" of illicit opioid users. illicit_exit: float = 0.319 # Simulator configuration #: Time to start the simulation (in years) start_time: float = 2002 #: Time to end the simulation (in years) end_time: float = 2030 #: Resolution of the recorded simulator output (in years) delta_t: float = 0.1
[docs] def update(self, intervention): """Return a new config after applying intervention.""" config = copy.deepcopy(self) if "nonmedical_incidence" in intervention.updates: nonmedical_incidence = intervention.updates["nonmedical_incidence"] config.nonmedical_incidence.intervention_year = intervention.time config.nonmedical_incidence.intervention_val = nonmedical_incidence if "illicit_incidence" in intervention.updates: illicit_incidence = intervention.updates["illicit_incidence"] config.illicit_incidence.intervention_year = intervention.time config.illicit_incidence.intervention_val = illicit_incidence return config
[docs]class Intervention(BaseIntervention): # pylint: disable-msg=too-few-public-methods """Intervention parameters for opioid epidemic simulator. Currently, the simulator only supports interventions to reduce nonmedical and illicit opioid use because these are the only interventions considered in the originl Chen et al. paper. Examples -------- >>> # Intervene in 2017 to reduce nonmedical incidence by 5% >>> opioid.Intervention(nonmedical_incidence=-0.05, time=2017) """ def __init__(self, time=2015, nonmedical_incidence=None, illicit_incidence=None): """Construct an intervention object. Parameters ---------- time: float time (in years) to intervene in the simulator. nonmedical_incidence: float Percent change in nonmedial opioid use (range -1. to 1.) illicit_incidence: float Percent change in illicit opioid use (range -1. to 1.) """ kwargs = {} if nonmedical_incidence is not None: kwargs["nonmedical_incidence"] = nonmedical_incidence if illicit_incidence is not None: kwargs["illicit_incidence"] = illicit_incidence super(Intervention, self).__init__(Config, time, **kwargs)
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class State(BaseState): # pylint: disable-msg=too-few-public-methods """State of the opioid simulator. Default values correspond to the mean initial state used in the Chen paper. """ #: Non-medical users of prescription opioids nonmedical_users: float = 10029859 #: Non-medical users of prescription opioid with prescription opioid use disorder. oud_users: float = 1369218 #: Illicit opioid users (e.g. users of heroin/fentanyl as opposed to presciption opioids) illicit_users: float = 328371
def compute_overdose_deaths(run, start_year, end_year, config, intervention): """Compute number of opioid overdose deaths from start_year to end_year. Parameters ---------- run: whynot.dynamics.Run Run object produced by running simulate for the opioid simulator start_year: int Year to start counting overdose deaths end_year: int Final year included in overdose death count config: whynot.simulator.opioid.Config Configuration used to generate `run` intervention: whynot.simulator.opioid.Intervention Intervention object to generate `run` when calling `simulate` Returns ------- deaths: int Total number of overdose deaths across nonmedical users, users with OUD, and illicit opioid users. """ if intervention: config = config.update(intervention) deaths = 0.0 for outcome_year in range(start_year, end_year + 1): state = run[outcome_year] nonmedical_deaths = state.nonmedical_users * config.nonmedical_overdose oud_deaths = state.oud_users * config.oud_overdose[outcome_year] illicit_deaths = state.illicit_users * config.illicit_overdose[outcome_year] deaths += nonmedical_deaths + oud_deaths + illicit_deaths return deaths def compute_illicit_deaths(run, outcome_year, config, intervention): """Compute number of overdose deaths for illicit use in year. Parameters ---------- run: whynot.dynamics.Run Run object produced by running simulate for the opioid simulator outcome_year: int Year to measure illicit opioid use overdose deaths config: whynot.simulator.opioid.Config Configuration used to generate `run` when calling `simulate` intervention: whynot.simulator.opioid.Intervention Intervention object to generate `run` when calling `simulate` Returns ------- deaths: int Number of overdose deaths for illicit opioid use in outcome_year. """ if intervention: config = config.update(intervention) return run[outcome_year].illicit_users * config.illicit_overdose[outcome_year] def dynamics(state, time, config, intervention=None): """State dynamics for the Chen et al. opioid epidemic model. Parameters ---------- state: np.ndarray or tuple or list Instantenous system state time: float Time to evaluate the derivative config: whynot.simulators.opioid.Config Configuration parameters for the dynamics intervention: whynot.simulators.opioid.Intervention (Optional) Parameters specifying when/how to update the dynamics Returns ------- ds_dt: np.ndarray Derivative of the state with respect to time, evaluated at state and time. """ # In the opioid simulator, if there is an intervention, # it is applied for every time step of the dynamics (since # interventions are specified on TimeVaryingParams which internally track # the year). if intervention: config = config.update(intervention) nonmedical_users, oud_users, illicit_users = state # Update non-medical opioid use cases nonmedical_increase = config.nonmedical_incidence[time] nonmedical_decrease = nonmedical_users * ( config.nonmedical_exit + config.nonmedical_overdose + config.nonmedical_to_oud + config.nonmedical_to_illicit ) nonmedical_delta = nonmedical_increase - nonmedical_decrease # Update opioid use disorder cases oud_increase = config.nonmedical_to_oud * nonmedical_users oud_decrease = oud_users * ( config.oud_exit[time] + config.oud_overdose[time] + config.oud_to_illicit[time] ) oud_delta = oud_increase - oud_decrease # Update illicit opiate use cases illicit_increase = config.illicit_incidence[time] + ( config.oud_to_illicit[time] * oud_users + config.nonmedical_to_illicit * nonmedical_users ) illicit_decrease = illicit_users * ( config.illicit_exit + config.illicit_overdose[time] ) illicit_delta = illicit_increase - illicit_decrease return [nonmedical_delta, oud_delta, illicit_delta] def simulate(initial_state, config, intervention=None, seed=None): """Simulate a run of the Chen et al. model opioid epidemic model. Parameters ---------- initial_state: whynot.simulator.opioid.State Initial state of the dynamics config: whynot.simulator.opioid.Config Config object to determine simulation dynamics. intervention: whynot.simulator.opioid.Intervention (Optional) Intervention object to determine what, if any, intervention to perform during the rollout of the dynamics. seed: int The simulator is deterministic, so the seed parameter is ignored. Returns ------- run: whynot.dynamics.Run Run object produced by running simulate for the opioid simulator """ # pylint: disable-msg=unused-argument # pylint:disable-msg=no-member t_eval = np.arange( config.start_time, config.end_time + config.delta_t, config.delta_t ) solution = odeint( dynamics, y0=dataclasses.astuple(initial_state), t=t_eval, args=(config, intervention), rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4, ) states = [initial_state] + [State(*state) for state in solution[1:]] return wn.dynamics.Run(states=states, times=t_eval)