
class whynot.simulators.dice.State[source]

State variables of the DICE simulator.

Default values are extracted from the first time step of a run of the DICE model using optimization to set the carbon price.

ABATECOST = 0.000486016

Cost of emissions reductions

C = 46.98638871

Consumption trillions US dollars

CCA = 90

Cumulative industrial carbon emissions GtC

CEMUTOTPER = 1974.226305

Period utility

CPC = 6.871364246

Per capita consumption thousands US dollars

CPRICE = 0.999999958

Carbon price (2005$ per ton of CO2)

DAMAGES = 0.108648899

Damages (trillions 2005 USD per year)

DAMFRAC = 0.0017088

Damages as fraction of gross output

E = 36.85382682

CO2-equivalent emissions GtC

FORC = 2.167363097

Radiative forcing in watts per m2

I = 16.48646319

Investment trillions US dollars

K = 135

Capital stock trillions US dollars

MAT = 830.4

Carbon concentration in atmosphere GtC

MCABATE = 0.999999958

Marginal cost of abatement (2005$ per ton CO2)

MIU = 0.038976322

Emission control rate GHGs

ML = 10010

Carbon concentration in lower oceans GtC

MU = 1527

Carbon concentration in shallow oceans GtC

PERIODU = 0.288713996

One period utility function

RI = 0.052124994

Real interest rate per annum

S = 0.259740388

Gross savings rate as fraction of gross world product

TATM = 0.8

Temperature of atmosphere in degrees C

TOCEAN = 0.0068

Temperature of lower oceans in degrees C

Y = 63.4728519

Gross world product net of abatement and damages

YGROSS = 63.58198682

Gross world product Gross of abatement and damages

YNET = 63.47333792

Output net damages equation


Return names of all nonnegative variables.


Return names of all model variables.


class whynot.simulators.dice.Config[source]

Parameter values in the DICE model.

Default values correspond to the base run of the 2013 version.


Level of population and labor.

a0 = 3.8

Initial level of total factor productivity

a1 = 0

Damage intercept

a2 = 0.00267

Damage quadratic term

a3 = 2

Damage exponent


Level of total factor productivity.


Carbon cycle transition matrix.

b12 = 0.088

Carbon cycle transition matrix.


Carbon cycle transition matrix.


Carbon cycle transition matrix.

b23 = 0.0025

Carbon cycle transition matrix.


Carbon cycle transition matrix.


Carbon cycle transition matrix.

c1 = 0.098

Climate equation coefficient for upper level

c3 = 0.088

Tranfer coefficient upper to lower stratum

c4 = 0.025

Transfer coefficient for lower level


Cost adjusted for backstop.

cprice0 = 1

Initial base carbon price (2005$ per tCO2)


Carbon price in base case.

dela = 0.006

Decline rate of total factor productivity (per 5 years)

deland = 0.2

Decline rate of land emissions (per period)

dk = 0.1

Depreciation rate on capital (per year)

dsig = -0.001

Decline rate of decarbonization (per period)

e0 = 33.61

Industrial emissions 2010 (GtC02 per year)

eland0 = 3.3

Carbon emissions from land 2010 (GtCO2 per year)

elasmu = 1.45

Elasticity of marginal utility of consumption.


Emissions from deforestation.

expcost2 = 2.8

Exponent of control cost function

fco22x = 3.8

Forcings of equilibrium CO2 doubling (Wm-2)

fex0 = 0.25

2010 forcings of non-CO2 CHG (Wm-2)

fex1 = 0.7

2100 forcings of non-CO2 CHG (Wm-2)


Exogenous forcing for other greenhouse gases.

fosslim = 6000

Maximum cumulative extraction fossil fuels (GtC)


Growth rate of productivity.

ga0 = 0.079

Initial growth rate for total factor productivity (per 5 years)

gama = 0.3

Capital elasticity in production function.

gback = 0.025

Initial cost decline backstop cost per period

gcprice = 0.02

Growth rate of base carbon price per year.


Change in sigma (cumulative improvement of energy efficiency).

gsigma1 = -0.01

Initial growth rate of sigma (per year)

ifopt = 1

Whether or not to use optimization to set the carbon price.

k0 = 135

Initial capital value (trill 2005 USD)


Climate model parameter.

limmiu = 1.2

Upper limit on control rate after 2150

mat0 = 830.4

Initial concentration in atmosphere 2010 (GtC)

mateq = 588

Equilibrium concentration atmosphere (GtC)

miu0 = 0.039

Initial emissions control rate for base case 2010

ml0 = 10010

Initial concentration in lower strata 2010 (GtC)

mleq = 10000

Equilibrium concentration in lower strata (GtC)

mu0 = 1527

Initial concentration in upper strata 2010 (GtC)

mueq = 1350

Equilibrium concentration in upper strata (GtC)

numPeriods = 60

Number of time periods to run the simulation.


Optimal long-run savings rate used for transversality.


Fraction of emissions in control regime.

partfract2010 = 1

Fraction of emissions under control in 2010

partfractfull = 1

Fraction of emissions under control at full time

pback = 344

Cost of backstop 2005$ for tCO2 2010


Backstop price.

periodfullpart = 21

Period at which to have full participation.

pop0 = 6838

Initial world population (millions)

popadj = 0.134

Growth rate to calibrate 2050 population projection.

popasym = 10500

Asymptotic population (millions)

prstp = 0.015

Initial rate of social time preference per year.

q0 = 63.69

Initial world gross output (trill 2005 USD)


Average utility social discount rate.

scale1 = 0.016408662

Multiplicative scaling coefficient

scale2 = -3855.106895

Additive scaling coefficient


Carbon intensity 2010 (kgCO2 per output 2005 USD 2010).


CO2-equivalent-emissions output ratio.

t2xco2 = 2.9

Equilibrium temperature impact (oC per doubling CO2)

tatm0 = 0.8

Initial atmospheric temperature change (C from 1900)

tnopol = 45

Period before which no emissions controls base

tocean0 = 0.0068

Initial lower stratum temperature change (C from 1900)

tstep = 5

Number of year for each time period.


Generate a new config object after applying the intervention.


class whynot.simulators.dice.Intervention(**kwargs)[source]

Encapsulate an intervention in DICE.


Construct an intervention in DICE.

Currently, all interventions are performed at the first time step.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – Only valid keyword arguments are parameters of whynot.simulators.dice.Config.


Experiments on the DICE model.

whynot.simulators.dice.experiments.RCT = dice_rct

An RCT probing the effect of using optimal carbon prices on atmospheric temperature