Why WhyNot? =========== WhyNot supports multiple use cases, some technical, some pedagogical, each suited for a different group of users. We envision at least five primary use cases. *Developing*: Researchers can use WhyNot in the process of developing new methods for causal inference and decision making in dynamics. WhyNot can serve as a substitute for ad-hoc synthetic data where needed, providing a greater set of challenging test cases. *Testing*: Researchers can use WhyNot to design robustness checks for methods and gain insight into the failure cases of these methods. *Benchmarking*: Practitioners can use WhyNot to compare multiple methods on the same set of tasks. WhyNot does not dictate any particular benchmark. Rather is an experimental platform for creating challenging test cases using computer simulations, supporting the community in creating useful benchmarks. *Learning*: Students of causality and sequential decision making might find WhyNot to be a helpful training resource. WhyNot is easy-to-use and it does not require much prior experience to get started. *Teaching*: Instructors can use WhyNot as a tool students engage with to learn and solve problems. WhyNot provides: * A diverse set of complex simulated environments (:ref:`simulators`) * A suite of state-of-the-art causal inference methods (:ref:`estimators`) * An extensive collection of experimental design examples (:ref:`experiment-examples`) * An extensible, easy-to-use framework that makes it easy to add more experiments, estimators, and simulators. Why Simulations? ---------------- Almost as old as the digital computer is the idea of computer simulation of mathematical models designed to capture aspects of the real world. Dating back to the mid-1950s, a field known as system dynamics sought to derive policy recommendations from computer simulations of dynamical systems in a variety of domains, ranging from industrial management and urban planning to environmental forecasting. Similarly, agent-based modeling—an active research area with applications ranging from economics to epidemiology—simulates the collective interactions of many agents. Robotics, control theory, and reinforcement learning all actively deploy simulated environments to improve systems and anticipate their failure points. *As computational resources continue to grow, simulation will become an increasingly powerful tool.* While the realism and utility of these simulations can (and do) vary, they possess characteristics useful for researchers asking causal questions: They do not encode predetermined causal questions or answers, and they exhibit many of the same properties of dynamical systems in the real world. Beyond causal inference, machine learning to date struggles to perform well inside social dynamics. The reasons are numerous and fundamental in their nature. Static training data sets poorly capture the complexity of how social dynamics evolve. Strategic responses to decision rules can render statistical regularities obsolete. Correlations observed in data may not be robust enough to support meaningful interventions. Fairness concerns arise when the negative externalities of classification disproportionately affect some groups in the population. Where mathematical analysis is not possible, simulation offers a powerful tool to model and understand the interplay between machine learning and dynamics. WhyNot connects computer simulation and causal inference and decision making in dynamics by using the former as a testbed for the latter. Simulation inevitably shows discrepancies with the real world. `But even when a simulator fails to faithfully represent the real world, it can nonetheless provide a valuable environment in which causal questions have non-trivial answers`. Ground truth is available through simulation where formal analysis is impenetrable. Each simulator we consider naturally leads to a range of dynamics and causal questions by varying which variables to include, what time horizons to consider, and how to generate data from the simulator. With this powerful tool at hand, we can investigate how today's practice of machine learning and causal inference fares in challenging simulated environments. Dynamical Systems and Causal Inference -------------------------------------- Causal inference inevitably has to grapple with data generated by some dynamical process, since the physical universe is itself a dynamical system. Dynamical system models provide a natural and convenient setting for researchers to study causal inference. WhyNot offers an environment to test the capabilities and limitations of these methodologies in simulated worlds with dynamic characteristics which mirror those of our own. In discrete time, a dynamical system consists of a state :math:`x`, a set of parameters :math:`\theta`, and a state-transition function :math:`f`, which evolves the state at time :math:`t` according to .. math:: x_{t+1} = f(x_{t}; \theta). An intervention in these systems corresponds to changing the state-transition rule from :math:`f` to :math:`f'` at an intervention time :math:`t^*`, and then evolving the system according to :math:`f'` after time :math:`t^*`. The outcome variable is a measurement of the state :math:`x_{t'}` at some time :math:`t'` in the future. For example, in the context of a city simulation, the intervention could correspond to raising the minimum wage at time :math:`t^*`, and the outcome variable could be the level of unemployment at time :math:`t'`. Dynamical systems are a compelling choice as data generating processes for causal inference not least because *the temporal structure of the dynamics naturally gives rise to confounding and mediation*. A confounder has a causal effect on both the treatment and the outcome. In a dynamical system, even if each component of the initial state is independent, the dynamics generally *couple the past* and render all of the state variables dependent. Thus, the entire collection of state variables from time :math:`t=0` to :math:`t=t^*-1` are confounders. Similarly, a mediator is causally affected by the treatment assignment and affects the outcome variable, and so all of the state variables from time :math:`t=t^*+1` to :math:`t=t'-1` are mediating variables. This mechanism of confounding and mediation is illustrated below. .. image:: _static/dynamics.svg This connection between dynamics and questions of confounding and mediation provides the conceptual link between causal inference and dynamical systems. By simulating and intervening on a wide array of dynamics, we can generate a wide array of non-trivial causal inference problems. Related Projects ---------------- * `DoWhy `_ * `CauseMe `_ * `CausalML `_ * `EconML `_ * `ACC Causal Inference Competitions `_ * `ML-fairness-gym `_