Extending Whynot

Adding more simulators and estimators to WhyNot is straightforward and allows one to take advantage of WhyNot’s framework for rapidly creating and running new causal inference experiments, as well as benchmarking new methods on a common set of tasks.

Adding a Simulator

Adding a simulator to the package is straightforward. WhyNot is agnostic to the underlying implementation of the simulator (programming language, runtime, etc), provided it can be called from Python.

All of the simulators can be found in whynot/simulators. To create a new simulator called new_simulator, make a folder in whynot/simulators and create a file called simulator.py. For an simple example, see the lotka volterra simulator.

Implementing a simulator requires implementing (1) a Config class to specify parameters of the simulator, (2) an Intervention class to specify changes to the simulator during execution, and (3) a simulate function to execute the simulator.

The Config class encapsulates the hyperparameters needed to run the simulator. A Config includes both things like the number of steps to run the simulator as well as the values for key model parameters, e.g. the coefficient of friction in a physics simulator. Thus, varying the Config values gives different instances of the simulator. In WhyNot, a Config is specified as Python dataclass, which also allows for specifying default values.

class Config(BaseConfig):
    """Parameterization of Lotka-Volterra dynamics.

    >>> # Configure the simulator so each caught rabbit creates 2 foxes
    >>> lotka_volterra.Config(fox_growth=0.5)


    # Dynamics parameters
    #: Natural growth rate of rabbits, when there's no foxes.
    rabbit_growth: float = 1.0
    #: Natural death rate of rabbits, due to predation.
    rabbit_death: float = 0.1
    #: Natural death rate of fox, when there's no rabbits.
    fox_death: float = 1.5
    #: Factor describing how many caught rabbits create a new fox.
    fox_growth: float = 0.75

    # Simulator book-keeping
    #: Start time of the simulator (in years).
    start_time: float = 0
    #: End time of the simulator (in years).
    end_time: float = 100
    #: Spacing of the evaluation grid
    delta_t: float = 1.0

In addition to a Config class, each simulator should implement an Intervention class that allows the user to specify interventions in the simulator. For instance, in the previous example, an intervention might correspond to changing fox_growth from 1.0 to 2.0 at time 20. The intervention class exposes all possible interventions the simulator supports for the user.

class Intervention:
    """Parameterization of an intervention to the lotka-volterra simulator"""

    def __init__(self, time, fox_growth=None, rabbit_growth=None):
        """Specify an intervention in the dynamical system.

            time: int
                Time of the intervention.
            fox_growth: float
                New value of fox_growth after intervention. If None, no

        self.time = time
        # Parameters to update after intervention
        self.updates = {}
        if fox_growth:
            self.updates["fox_growth"] = fox_growth

In the most general case, the simulate function takes as input a Config, optionally Intervention, and a random seed and returns the results of executing the simulator. This is deliberately vague to allow for a multiplicity of different simulator types. We instantiate this concept for dynamical system simulators below. For reproducibility, all simulators in WhyNot are required to be deterministic given the random seed.

def simulate(config, seed, intervention=None):
    # Seed the simulator randomness using seed
    # Execute simulator!

Adding a dynamical system simulator

WhyNot provides powerful support for dynamical system simulators. In discrete time, a dynamical system consists of a state \(x\), a set of parameters \(\theta\), and a state-transition function \(f\), which evolves the state at time \(t\) according to

\[x_{t+1} = f(x_{t}; \theta).\]

The parameters \(\theta\) are encapsulated in a Config class. In addition to a Config and Intervetion, implementing a dynamical system simulator also requires implementing a State class representing the variables \(x\) that change over time. In WhyNot, the state class is a Python dataclass, and the default values of the dataclass fields correspond to the default initial state of the model. The State, Config, and Intervention should inherit from BaseState, BaseConfig, and BaseIntervention, respectively.

class State(BaseState):
    """State of the Lotka-Volterra model."""

    #: Number of rabbits.
    rabbits: float = 10.0
    #: Number of foxes.
    foxes: float = 5.0

The simulate function takes an initial State object, a Config object, a random seed, and an optional Intervention object. The function simulates the trajectory and returns a Run of the dynamical system. A Run consists of the sequence of states \(x_{t_1}, x_{t_2}, x_{t_3}, \dots\) visited by the system, and the sequence of sampled times \(t_1, t_2, t_3, \dots\) The code snippet gives an example implementation.

def dynamics(time, state, config, intervention, rng):
    """Single time step of the dynamics."""

    # Intervene on simulator parameters
    if intervention and time >= intervention.time:

    new_state = ...
    return new_state

def simulate(initial_state, config, seed, intervention=None):
    """Run a complete trajectory for the simulator."""
    # Seed randomness
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)

    # Run simulator from initial state with parameters `config`
    timesteps = list(range(0, 100))
    states = [initial_state]
    state = initial_state
    for time in timesteps:
        state = dynamics(time, state, config, intervention, rng)
    return wn.dynamics.Run(states=states, times=timesteps)

Adding an Estimator

WhyNot ships with a small number of causal estimators, with a larger number available through the companion package whynot_estimators. Most users will either use these estimators or implement their own to run experiments on top of data generated by WhyNot. However, Whynot also supports adding new estimators to the package, which can then be accessed and experimented with by other users.

Estimators with a Python interface can be directly added to the package. This procedure is detailed below. Estimators written in other languages like R or without a Python interface can be added to the companion package whynot_estimators. As estimators are added to Whynot, we hope this will form the core of a common set of benchmark algorithms for causal inference tasks.

Adding Python Estimators

Causal estimators with a Python interface are located in whynot/algorithms. To add an estimator, first create a file estimator_name.py in whynot/algorithms.

For estimators performing average and heterogeneous treatment effect estimation, the main function to implement is estimate_treatment_effects, which should take as input covariates, treatment, and outcome, and return a InferenceResult object.

from time import perf_counter

def estimate_treatment_effect(covariates, treatment, outcome, *args, **kwargs):
            """ Estimate average (and possible heterogeneous) treatment effects.

            covariates: `np.ndarray`
                Array of shape [num_samples, num_features] of features.
            treatment:  `np.ndarray`
                Array of shape [num_samples]  indicating treatment status for each sample.
            outcome:  `np.ndarray`
                Array of shape [num_samples] containing the observed outcome for each sample.

            result: `whynot.framework.InferenceResult`
                InferenceResult object for this procedure

    start_time = perf_counter()
    # Perform inference!
    stop_time = perf_counter()

    return InferenceResult(ate=average_treatment_effect,
                           ci=(lower_bound, upper_bound),
                           elapsed_time=stop_time - start_time)

To add the estimator to the causal_suite(), add it to the function causal_suite in whynot.causal_suite.py