Source code for whynot.dynamics

"""Infrastructure for dynamical system simulators and experiments."""
import copy
import dataclasses
import inspect

import numpy as np
from import tqdm

from whynot.framework import Dataset, extract_params, ParameterCollection
from whynot import causal_graphs, utils

[docs]class BaseConfig: # pylint: disable-msg=too-few-public-methods """Parameters for the simulation dynamics.""" # Start and end time. start_time: float = 0 end_time: float = 0 # Time elapsed between measurements of the system. delta_t: float = 1.0 def update(self, intervention): """Generate a new config after applying the intervention.""" return dataclasses.replace(self, **intervention.updates) @classmethod def parameter_names(cls): """Return the parameters of the simulator, excluding start, end, and delta_t.""" excluded = ["start_time", "end_time", "delta_t"] return [ for f in dataclasses.fields(cls) if not in excluded]
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class BaseState: # pylint: disable-msg=too-few-public-methods """State of the simulator.""" @classmethod def num_variables(cls): """Count the number of variables.""" return len(dataclasses.fields(cls)) @classmethod def variable_names(cls): """List the variable names.""" return [ for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)] def values(self): """Return the state as a numpy array.""" # This ensures the values are shallow copied, unlike # dataclasses.astuple, which is necessary for graph tracing. return np.array([getattr(self, name) for name in self.variable_names()])
[docs]class BaseIntervention: # pylint: disable-msg=too-few-public-methods """Parameterization of an intervention to a config.""" def __init__(self, config_class, time, **kwargs): """Specify an intervention in the dynamical system. Parameters ---------- time: int Time of the intervention. config_class: The Config class, a child class of dataclass. kwargs: dict Only valid keyword arguments are parameters of the config class. """ self.time = time config_args = set( for f in dataclasses.fields(config_class)) for arg in kwargs: if arg not in config_args: raise TypeError(f"__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument {arg}!") self.updates = kwargs
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class Run: r"""Encapsulate a trajectory from a dynamical system simulator. Attributes ---------- states: Sequence of states :math:`x_{t_1}, x_{t_2}, \dots` produced by the simulator. times: Sequence of sampled times :math:`{t_1},{t_2}, \dots` at which states are recorded. Examples -------- >>> state_at_year_closest_to_2015 = run[2015] """ states: list times: list def __post_init__(self): """Error checking called after the constructor.""" if len(self.states) != len(self.times): msg = "Input states and times must be the same length! {} \neq {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(len(self.states), len(self.times)))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, time): """Return the state closest to the given time.""" time_index = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(self.times) - time)) return self.states[time_index]
@property def initial_state(self): """Return initial state of the run.""" return self.states[0] @property def initial_time(self): """Return the initial time of the run.""" return self.times[0] @property def final_state(self): """Return the final state of the run.""" return self.states[-1] @property def final_time(self): """Return the final time of the run.""" return self.times[-1]
[docs]class DynamicsExperiment: """Encapsulate a causal experiment on a system dynamics simulator.""" # pylint:disable-msg=too-many-arguments
[docs] def __init__( self, name, description, simulator_config, intervention, state_sampler, simulator, propensity_scorer, outcome_extractor, covariate_builder, ): """Create an experiment based on system dynamics simulator. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the experiment description: str Short description of the experiment simulator: WhyNot systems dynamics simulator simulator_config: `Config` Instantiated simulator `Config` for all runs intervention: `Intervention` Instantiated simulator `Intervention` for treated runs state_sampler: Function to sample initial simulator `State` (s) propensity_score: Either float or function to generate propensity scores for a set of rollouts outcome_extractor: Function to extract outcome measurement from rollouts covariate_builder: Function to build covariates from rollouts. All of ``simulator_config``, ``intervention``, ``state_sampler``, ``propensity_scorer``, ``outcome_extractor``, and ``covariate_builder`` support a rich set of patterns. We describe the expected API below. Note: If you wish to use causal graph construction and want to use numpy in any of the user-defined functions, please import the thinly wrapped version of numpy `whynot.traceable_numpy` and use this for all of the numpy calls, e.g. .. code-block:: python import whynot.traceable_numpy as np def propensity_scorer(run): return run[0].covariate_1 / np.max(run[0].values()) Examples -------- First, ``simulator_config`` can either be a constant ``Config`` object, or a parameterized function that returns a ``Config``. For instance: .. code-block:: python # simulator_config can be a constant Config object, DynamicsExperiment( ... simulator_config=Config(123), ...) # Or simulator_config can be a (parameterized) function that # returns a config. @parameter(name="p", default=0.2) def config(p): return Config(1234, parameter=p) DynamicsExperiment( ... simulator_config=config, ...) Similarly, ``intervention`` can either be a constant ``Intervention`` object, or a (parameterized) function that returns an ``Intervention``. .. code-block:: python DynamicsExperiment( ... intervention=Intervention(year=92), ...) @parameter(name="p", default=0.2) def intervention(p): return Intervention(year=92, parameter=p) DynamicsExperiment( ... intervention=intervention, ...) The ``state_sampler`` generates a sequence of initial states. If the sampler uses randomness, it must include ``rng`` in the signature and use it as the sole source of randomness. This is to ensure that DynamicsExperiments can be deterministic if desired. If ``num_samples`` is in the signature, then the ``state_sampler`` must returns a sequence of ``num_samples`` states. Otherwise, it must returns a single state. .. code-block:: python def state_sample(rng): # Return a single random sample, use randomness in rng return State(rng.rand()) def state_sampler(rng, num_samples): # Return a list of initial states return [State(rng.rand()) for _ in range(num_samples)] The ``propensity_scorer`` produces, for each run, the probability of being assigned to treatment in the observational dataset. The ``propensity_scorer`` can be a constant, in which case the probability of treatment is uniform for all units. Otherwise, if ``propensity_scorer`` is a function, it either produces a propensity score for each run separately or all together (for correlated treatment assignment). For individual runs, the function may include one or both of ``treated_run`` and ``untreated_run`` in the signature. For a whole population, use ``untreated_runs`` or ``treated_runs`` in the function signature. Both ``config`` and ``intervention`` can be passed as argument to access the ``simulator_config`` and ``intervention`` for the given experiment. .. code-block:: python # self.propensity_scorer can be a constant DynamicsExperiment( ... propensity_scorer=0.8), ...) ## # Compute treatment assignment probability for each run separately. ## def propensity_scorer(untreated_run): # Return propensity score for a single run, based on the # untreated rollout. return 0.5 if untreated_run[20].values()[0] > 0.2 else 0.1 def propensity_scorer(untreated_run, config, intervention): # You can pass the config and intervention intervention_covariate = untreated_run[intervention.year].values()[0] threshold = config.threshold return 1.0 if intervention_covariate > threshold else 0.0 def propensity_scorer(treated_run): # Return propensity score for a single run, based on treated run return 0.5 if treated_run[20].values()[0] > 0.2 else 0.1 def propensity_scorer(treated_run, untreated_run, config): # Assign treatment based on runs with both settings. if treated_run[10].values()[0] > 5 and untreated_run[10].values() < 10: return config.propensity return 1.0 - config.propensity ## # Compute treatment assignment probability for all runs # simultaneously. This allows for correlated propensity scores. ## def propensity_scorer(untreated_runs): # Return propensity score for all runs, based on untreated run. # Only treat the top 10% of runs. covariates = [run.final_state.values()[0] for run in untreated_runs] top10 = np.argsort(covariates)[-10:] return [0.9 if idx in top10 else 0.1 for idx in range(len(untreated_runs))] etc.. The ``outcome_extractor`` returns, for a given run, the outcome :math:`Y`. Both ``config`` and ``intervention`` can be passed as arguments. For instance, .. code-block:: python def outcome_extractor(run): # Return the first state coordinate at time step 100 return run[100].values()[0] def outcome_extractor(run, config, intervention): # You can also specify one (or both) of config/intervention # First state coordinate 20 steps after intervention. return run[intervention.time + 20].values()[0] Finally, the ``covariate_builder`` returns, for a given run, the observed covariates :math:`X`. If the signature includes ``runs``, the method returns covariates for the entire sequence of runs. Otherwise, it produces covariates for a single run. Both ``config`` and ``intervention`` can be passed. .. code-block:: python def covariate_builder(run): # Functions with the argument `run` return covariates for a # single rollout. return run.initial_state.values() def covariate_builder(runs): # Functions with the argument `runs` return covariates for the # entire sequence of runs. return np.array([run.initial_state.value() for run in runs]) def covariate_builder(config, intervention, run): # Can optionally specify `config` or `intervention` in both cases. return run[intervention.year].values() """ = name self.description = description self.simulator = simulator if not callable(simulator_config): self.simulator_config = lambda: simulator_config else: self.simulator_config = simulator_config if not callable(intervention): self.intervention = lambda: intervention else: self.intervention = intervention self.state_sampler = state_sampler if not callable(propensity_scorer): if isinstance(propensity_scorer, float) and 0.0 <= propensity_scorer <= 1.0: self.propensity_scorer = lambda: propensity_scorer else: msg = "If propensity scorer is not callable, it must be a float in [0., 1.]" raise ValueError(msg) else: self.propensity_scorer = propensity_scorer self.outcome_extractor = outcome_extractor self.covariate_builder = covariate_builder self.parameter_collection = self.get_parameters()
[docs] def get_parameters(self): """Inspect provided methods and gather parameters. Returns ------- params: `whynot.framework.ParameterCollection` Collection of all of the parameters specified in the experiment. """ params = ParameterCollection() config_args = [] params += extract_params(self.simulator_config, config_args) params += extract_params(self.intervention, config_args) initial_state_args = ["rng", "num_samples"] params += extract_params(self.state_sampler, initial_state_args) propensity_args = [ "config", "intervention", "untreated_run", "untreated_runs", "treated_run", "treated_runs", ] params += extract_params(self.propensity_scorer, propensity_args) outcome_args = ["config", "intervention", "run"] params += extract_params(self.outcome_extractor, outcome_args) covariate_args = ["config", "intervention", "run", "runs"] params += extract_params(self.covariate_builder, covariate_args) return params
@staticmethod def _get_args(func): """Return the arguments to the function.""" return inspect.signature(func).parameters @staticmethod def _run_dynamics_simulator(simulate, config, intervention, initial_state, seed): """Run the simulation with a common initial state for both treated and untreated. Use the same initial seed for each run, and return the outcomes of both runs. This function is a staticmethod since self is not pickable when the class has lambda functions as attributes, e.g. the propensity scorer. Parameters ---------- simulate: function Entry point to the dynamical systems simulator. config: `Config` Configuration object for the simulator, used for both treated and untreated. intervention: `Intervention` Intervention object for the simulator, used for the treated group. initial_state: `State` State object used to initial both treated and untreated runs of the simulator. seed: int Random seed used to initialize both runs of the simulator. Returns ------- (untreated_run, treated_run): `Run` Tuple containing runs of the simulator with and without treatment. """ # Work with copies of the initial state to avoid issues where the # simulator had side effects on the state. untreated_run = simulate( copy.deepcopy(initial_state), config=config, intervention=None, seed=seed ) treated_run = simulate( copy.deepcopy(initial_state), config=config, intervention=intervention, seed=seed, ) return untreated_run, treated_run def _run_all_simulations( self, initial_states, config, intervention, rng, parallelize, show_progress ): """Run simulation for treated and untreated groups for each initial state. Parameters ---------- initial_state: list List of initial state objects config: `Config` Configuration object for all runs of the simulator. intervention: `Intervention` Intervention object for treated runs of the simulator. rng: `np.random.RandomState` Source of randomness. Used to choose seeds for different simulator runs. parallelize: bool Whether or not to execute runs of the simulator in parallel or sequentially. show_progress: bool Whether or not to display a progress bar for simulator execution. Returns ------- untreated_runs: `list[Run]` List of simulator runs in untreated group, one for each initial state. treated_runs: `list[Run]` List of simulator runs in treated group, one for each initial state. """ parallel_args = [] for state in initial_states: seed = rng.randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1) parallel_args.append( (self.simulator.simulate, config, intervention, state, seed) ) if parallelize: runs = utils.parallelize( self._run_dynamics_simulator, parallel_args, show_progress=show_progress ) elif show_progress: runs = [self._run_dynamics_simulator(*args) for args in tqdm(parallel_args)] else: runs = [self._run_dynamics_simulator(*args) for args in parallel_args] untreated_runs, treated_runs = list(zip(*runs)) return untreated_runs, treated_runs def construct_covariates( self, config, intervention, untreated_runs, treated_runs, treatments, params ): """Build the observational dataset after running simulator. Parameters ---------- config: `Config` Config object used when running the simulator. intervention: `Intervention` Intervention object used when running the simulator with treatment. untreated_runs: `list[Run]` List of all of the simulator runs in untreated condition. treated_runs: `list[Run]` List of all of the simulator runs with treatment applied. treatments: `list[bool]` Whether or not a particular run was assigned to treatment or untreated. params: dict Dictionary mapping parameter names to assigned values. Returns ------- covariates: `np.ndarray` Numpy array of shape [num_samples, num_features] containing the covariates for the observational dataset. """ observed_runs = [] for treatment, untreated_run, treated_run in zip( treatments, untreated_runs, treated_runs ): run = treated_run if treatment else untreated_run observed_runs.append(run) covariate_builder_args = self._get_args(self.covariate_builder) kwargs = {} for arg in covariate_builder_args: if arg in params: kwargs[arg] = params[arg] if "config" in covariate_builder_args: kwargs["config"] = config if "intervention" in covariate_builder_args: kwargs["intervention"] = intervention # Generate all of the covariates in batch if "runs" in covariate_builder_args: dataset = self.covariate_builder(runs=observed_runs, **kwargs) else: # Generate the covariates one by one dataset = np.array( [ self.covariate_builder(run=observed_run, **kwargs) for observed_run in observed_runs ] ) if dataset.ndim == 1: dataset = np.expand_dims(dataset, axis=1) return dataset def get_outcomes(self, config, intervention, untreated_runs, treated_runs, params): """Return outcomes for both treated and untreated runs. Parameters ---------- config: `Config` Simulator configuration object used to generate the runs. intervention: `Intervention` Simulator intervention used to specify treated runs. untreated_runs: `list[Run]` List of simulator runs without intervention. treated_runs: `list[Run]` List of simulator runs with intervention. params: Dictionary mapping parameter names to arguments. Returns ------- untreated_outcomes: `np.ndarray` Array of shape [num_samples] with untreated outcome :math:`Y_i(0)` for each i. treated_outcomes: `np.ndarray` Array of shape [num_samples] with treated outcome :math:`Y_i(1)` for each i. """ extractor_args = self._get_args(self.outcome_extractor) kwargs = {} for arg in extractor_args: if arg in params: kwargs[arg] = params[arg] if "config" in extractor_args: kwargs["config"] = config if "intervention" in extractor_args: kwargs["intervention"] = intervention def get_outcome(run): return self.outcome_extractor(run=run, **kwargs) untreated_outcomes = np.array([get_outcome(run) for run in untreated_runs]) treated_outcomes = np.array([get_outcome(run) for run in treated_runs]) return untreated_outcomes, treated_outcomes def get_propensity_scores( self, config, intervention, untreated_runs, treated_runs, params ): """Return probability of treatment for a set of runs. Parameters ---------- config: `Config` Simulator configuration object used to generate the runs. intervention: `Intervention` Simulator intervention used to specify treated runs. untreated_runs: `list[Run]` List of simulator runs without intervention. treated_runs: `list[Run]` List of simulator runs with intervention. params: Dictionary mapping parameter names to arguments. Returns ------- propensity_score: `np.ndarray` Array of shape [num_samples] with probability of treatment for each unit i. """ # pylint:disable-msg=too-many-branches if not callable(self.propensity_scorer): if isinstance(self.propensity_scorer, float): uniform_propensity = self.propensity_scorer if 0.0 <= uniform_propensity <= 1.0: return uniform_propensity * np.ones(len(untreated_runs)) raise ValueError( "If propensity scorer is not callable, it must be a float in [0., 1.]" ) scorer_args = self._get_args(self.propensity_scorer) # Build kwargs for scorer based on passed parameters kwargs = {} for arg in scorer_args: if arg in params: kwargs[arg] = params[arg] if "config" in scorer_args: kwargs["config"] = config if "intervention" in scorer_args: kwargs["intervention"] = intervention # Check whether or not the propensity scorer generates all scores at once one_shot = False if "treated_runs" in scorer_args: one_shot = True kwargs["treated_runs"] = treated_runs if "untreated_runs" in scorer_args: one_shot = True kwargs["untreated_runs"] = untreated_runs if one_shot: return self.propensity_scorer(**kwargs) # If not, then we need to score each run separately. propensity_scores = [] for untreated_run, treated_run in zip(untreated_runs, treated_runs): if "untreated_run" in scorer_args: kwargs["untreated_run"] = untreated_run if "treated_run" in scorer_args: kwargs["treated_run"] = treated_run score = self.propensity_scorer(**kwargs) propensity_scores.append(score) return np.array(propensity_scores) def sample_initial_states(self, rng, num_samples, params): """Sample initial states for simulator. Parameters ---------- rng: `np.random.RandomState` Random number generator used for all experiment randomness num_samples: int Number of samples to use for the experiment. params: Dictionary mapping parameter names to assigned values. Returns ------- initial_states: `list[States]` List of length `num_samples` of simulator initial `States. """ state_sampler_args = self._get_args(self.state_sampler) # Build kwargs kwargs = {} for arg in state_sampler_args: if arg in params: kwargs[arg] = params[arg] if "rng" in state_sampler_args: kwargs["rng"] = rng if "num_samples" in state_sampler_args: return self.state_sampler(num_samples=num_samples, **kwargs) return [self.state_sampler(**kwargs) for _ in range(num_samples)] def get_config(self, params): """Return the simulator config. Parameters ---------- params: dict Dictionary mapping experiment parameter names to assigned values Returns ------- config: `Config` Simulator configuration object used for this experiment. """ if not callable(self.simulator_config): return self.simulator_config untreated_args = self._get_args(self.simulator_config) kwargs = {} for arg in untreated_args: if arg in params: kwargs[arg] = params[arg] return self.simulator_config(**kwargs) def get_intervention(self, params): """Return the intervention corresponding to treatment. Parameters ---------- params: dict Dictionary mapping experiment parameter names to assigned values. Returns ------- intervention: `Intervention` Simulator Intervention object used for treated group. """ if not callable(self.intervention): return self.intervention treated_args = self._get_args(self.intervention) kwargs = {} for arg in treated_args: if arg in params: kwargs[arg] = params[arg] return self.intervention(**kwargs) def construct_causal_graph( self, untreated_runs, treated_runs, config, intervention, run_parameters ): """Construct the causal graph associated with the experiment. This feature is still experimental and will likely have rough edges. Parameters ---------- untreated_runs: list List of untreated Run objects generated by the experiment. treated_runs: list List of treated Run objects generated by the experiment. config: whynot.dynamics.BaseConfig Fully instantiated simulator config used for the experiment. intervention: whynot.dynamics.BaseIntervention Fully instantiated simulator intervention used for the experiment. run_parameters: dict User-specified parameters associated with the experiment. Returns ------- ate_graph: networkx.DiGraph Causal graph corresponding to the experiment. """ # Extract dependencies for each of the ATE components. with causal_graphs.trace_stack.new_trace() as trace: # All of the supported simulators dont have data dependent # control flow, so for now, tracing the simulator and user # functions only requires a single run. run = untreated_runs[0] # Wrap the run object in a box run, node_map = causal_graphs.run_to_box(run, trace) untreated_runs, treated_runs = [run], [run] # Trace the propensity scorer propensities = self.get_propensity_scores( config, intervention, untreated_runs, treated_runs, run_parameters ) treatment_deps = causal_graphs.backtrack(propensities[0], node_map) # Trace the covariate extractor. covariates = self.construct_covariates( config, intervention, untreated_runs, treated_runs, np.array([0.0]), run_parameters, ) covariate_deps = causal_graphs.backtrack(covariates[0], node_map) # Trace the outcome extractor untreated_outcomes, _ = self.get_outcomes( config, intervention, untreated_runs, treated_runs, run_parameters ) outcome_deps = causal_graphs.backtrack(untreated_outcomes[0], node_map) # Unpack the dependencies from backtracking treatment_deps = [ for node in treatment_deps[0]] outcome_deps = [ for node in outcome_deps[0]] covariate_deps = dict( (cov, [ for node in deps]) for cov, deps in covariate_deps.items() ) # Build the causal graph corresponding to the dynamics. ate_graph = causal_graphs.ate_graph_builder( self.simulator, run, config, intervention, treatment_deps, covariate_deps, outcome_deps, ) return ate_graph
[docs] def run( self, num_samples, seed=None, parallelize=True, show_progress=False, causal_graph=False, **parameter_args, ): # pylint:disable-msg=too-many-locals """Run a basic parameterized experiment on a dynamical system simulator. Parameters ---------- num_samples: int Number of units to sample and simulate show_progress: bool Should progress bar be shown? parallelize: bool If true, the experiment class will run all of the simulations in parallel. Parallelization is performed with multiprocessing using a ProcessPool from the concurrent.futures module. seed: int Random number generator seed used to set all internal randomness. causal_graph: Whether to attempt to build the causal graph. Currently, this is only supported on the hiv, lotka_volterra, and opioid simulators. **parameter_args: If the experiment is parameterized, additional arguments to select the parameters of a particular run. Returns ------- dataset: whynot.framework.Dataset Dataset object encapsulating the covariates, treatment assignments, and outcomes observed in the experiment, as well as unit-level ground truth. The covariates are an array of size [num_samples, num_features] where num_features is determined by the covariate builder. """ if causal_graph and not self.simulator.SUPPORTS_CAUSAL_GRAPHS: error_msg = ( "This simulator does not currently support causal graph generation." "Rerun the command with causal_graphs=False to continue." ) raise ValueError(error_msg) run_parameters = self.parameter_collection.project(parameter_args) rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) config = self.get_config(run_parameters) intervention = self.get_intervention(run_parameters) initial_states = self.sample_initial_states(rng, num_samples, run_parameters) # Run the model untreated_runs, treated_runs = self._run_all_simulations( initial_states, config, intervention, rng, parallelize, show_progress ) # Assign treatment propensities = self.get_propensity_scores( config, intervention, untreated_runs, treated_runs, run_parameters ) treatment = rng.uniform(size=propensities.shape) < propensities treatment = treatment.astype(np.int64) # Build observational dataset covariates = self.construct_covariates( config, intervention, untreated_runs, treated_runs, treatment, run_parameters, ) untreated_outcomes, treated_outcomes = self.get_outcomes( config, intervention, untreated_runs, treated_runs, run_parameters ) # Assign treatment outcomes = np.copy(untreated_outcomes) outcomes[treatment == 1] = treated_outcomes[treatment == 1] # Ground truth effect is Y(1) - Y(0) treatment_effects = treated_outcomes - untreated_outcomes if causal_graph: graph = self.construct_causal_graph( untreated_runs, treated_runs, config, intervention, run_parameters ) else: graph = None return Dataset( covariates=covariates, treatments=treatment, outcomes=outcomes, true_effects=treatment_effects, causal_graph=graph, )
def __repr__(self): """Display the experiment by it's name.""" return