Source code for whynot.gym.envs.ode_env

"""Environment builder for simulators based on dynamical systems."""
import copy
import inspect

from whynot.gym import Env
from whynot.gym.utils import seeding

[docs]class ODEEnvBuilder(Env): """Environment builder for simulators derived from dynamical systems."""
[docs] def __init__( self, simulate_fn, config, action_space, observation_space, initial_state, intervention_fn, reward_fn, observation_fn=None, timestep=1.0, ): """Initialize an environment class. Parameters ---------- simulate_fn: Callable A function with signature simulate(initial_state, config, intervention=None, seed=None) -> whynot.dynamics.Run config: whynot.dynamics.BaseConfig The base simulator configuration action_space: whynot.gym.spaces.Space The action space for the reinforcement learner observation_space: whynot.gym.spaces.Space The space of observations for the agent initial_state: whynot.dynamics.BaseState The initial state of the simulator intervention_fn: Callable A function that maps actions to simulator interventions with signature get_intervention(action, time) -> whynot.dynamics.BaseState reward_fn: Callable A function that computes the cost/reward of taking an intervention in a particular state state with signature get_reward(intervention, state) -> float observation_fn: Callable (Optional) A function that computes the observed state for the state of the simulator with signature observation_fn(state) -> np.ndarray. If ommitted, the entire simulator state is returned. timestep: float Time between successive observations in the dynamical system. """ self.config = config self.action_space = action_space self.observation_space = observation_space self.initial_state = initial_state self.state = self.initial_state self.simulate_fn = simulate_fn self.start_time = self.config.start_time self.terminal_time = self.config.end_time self.timestep = timestep self.time = self.start_time self.intervention_fn = intervention_fn self.reward_fn = reward_fn self.seed()
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the state.""" self.state = self.initial_state self.time = self.start_time return self._get_observation(self.state)
[docs] def seed(self, seed=None): """Set internal randomness of the environment.""" self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed]
[docs] def step(self, action): """Perform one forward step in the environment. Parameters ---------- action: A numpy array reprsenting an action of shape [1, action_dim]. Returns ------- observation: A numpy array of shape [1, obs_dim]. reward: A numpy array of shape [1, 1]. done: A numpy array of shape [1, 1] info_dict: An empty dict. """ if not self.action_space.contains(action): raise ValueError("%r (%s) invalid" % (action, type(action))) intervention = self.intervention_fn(action, self.time) # Set the start and end time in config to simulate one timestep. self.config.start_time = self.time self.config.end_time = self.time + self.timestep self.time += self.timestep # Get the next state from simulation. self.state = self.simulate_fn( initial_state=self.state, config=self.config, intervention=intervention )[self.time] done = bool(self.time >= self.terminal_time) reward = self._get_reward(intervention, self.state) return self._get_observation(self.state), reward, done, {}
def render(self, mode="human"): """Render the environment, unused.""" @staticmethod def _get_observation(state): """Convert a state to a numpy array observation. By default, returns the fully observed state in order listed in the State class. Parameters ---------- state: An instance of whynot.dynamics.BaseState. Returns ------- A numpy array of shape [1, obs_dim]. """ return state.values() @staticmethod def _get_args(func): """Return the arguments to the function.""" return inspect.signature(func).parameters def _get_reward(self, intervention, state): """Return the reward obtained by intervening in the given state.""" reward_args = self._get_args(self.reward_fn) kwargs = {} if "config" in reward_args: kwargs["config"] = self.config if "time" in reward_args: kwargs["time"] = self.time return self.reward_fn(intervention=intervention, state=state, **kwargs) def __call__(self, config=None): """Return the class, as if this function were calling the constructor.""" env = copy.deepcopy(self) if config: env.config = config env.reset() return env